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Hospitals 19 June 2023

How your Warrnambool Base Hospital redevelopment will be delivered

The Warrnambool Base Hospital redevelopment will transform services at the hospital. It will give Victoria’s south west community access to world-class healthcare facilities, close to home.

But redeveloping a hospital is a complex job! It takes a lot of planning and many conversations with the community and healthcare staff. We are working with them to help determine what the redeveloped hospital will look and feel like.

Here we share some of the steps we need to take to redevelop the hospital and invite you to come on the journey with us.

Illustration of male construction worker carrying timber post

This is how we are redeveloping the Warrnambool Base Hospital

IMAGES: Icons slide onto the screen, along with the text ‘The Warrnambool Base Hospital redevelopment’

Voice-over: The Warrnambool Base Hospital redevelopment will transform services giving people in Victoria's southwest

IMAGES: the animation transitions to a map of Victoria; an image of a family and a healthcare worker appears over the top of the map

Voice-over: access to world-class healthcare facilities close to home.

IMAGES: an illustration of a hospital surrounded by icons

Voice-over: Redeveloping a working hospital is a complex job.

IMAGES: illustrations of people and speech bubbles surround each side of the hospital graphic

Voice-over: It involves a lot of planning and many conversations with consumers, community members, and healthcare staff.

IMAGES: an illustration of the hospital exterior, surrounded by flowers and plants

Voice-over: This work helps to shape the services priorities and look and feel of your redeveloped hospital.

IMAGES: the hospital is zoomed out and replaced with images of clocks and lightbulbs

Voice-over: Large projects like this are delivered in stages with key approval points

IMAGES: illustrations of people appear

Voice-over: care when and where it's needed most.

IMAGES: construction workers on a building site

Voice-over: Large projects like this are delivered in stages with key approval points at each stage.

IMAGES: illustration transitions to a group of people collaborating around a table

Voice-over: We started with a health service plan to help determine the community's

IMAGES: image transitions to a group of people holding construction plans, standing in front of illustrations of buildings and the city

Voice-over: healthcare needs, followed by master planning and a feasibility study.

IMAGES: images of books

Voice-over: A business case was then developed, and most importantly, funding secured to deliver the bigger and better hospital. Next,

IMAGES: the books slide off screen and are replaced one by one with images of the different people involved such as architects and healthcare workers

Voice-over: architects, engineers, health planners, hospital staff, and user groups came together to develop a schematic design for the redevelopment, similar to blueprints for a new house.

IMAGES: images slide to reveal an image of the people in the community, surrounded by speech bubbles.

Voice-over: Then it was time for the community to have their say. We invited the community to contribute through pop-up consultation sessions,

IMAGES: image changes to people discussing the plans; an image of a computer

Voice-over: targeted workshops, and an online survey

IMAGES: an image of a car park slides on screen

Voice-over: and we heard that things like car parking,

IMAGES: an image of people sitting on a park bench in a garden slides on screen, as well as hospital signage

Voice-over: outdoor spaces and easy to follow signage were most important to you.

IMAGES: image transitions to a group of people collaborating around a computer screen

Voice-over: Your feedback and ideas were shared with the architect, to help shape family and public spaces in the new facility. Importantly,

IMAGES: image of a cursor drawing within a design program

Voice-over: your input will also help to inform design development. Where we work with healthcare staff and other experts to design and detail exactly what the

IMAGES: the drawing transitions to an image of a building

Voice-over: redevelopment will look like, inside and out. Next,

IMAGES: the image is replaced with several images of different workers

Voice-over: development. To free up space for the new multi-story hospital tower,

IMAGES: image of a worker driving a bulldozer appears; an image of a laundry slides onto screen, next to the bulldozer

Voice-over: some existing buildings will be demolished and services such as linen will be relocated to a new offsite facility.

IMAGES: images of construction workers on a building site

Voice-over: Construction of the redevelopment can then begin. The builder and health service will work together to ensure the hospital

IMAGES: an image of a completed hospital appears in the centre of the screen, and the construction site slides off-screen

Voice-over: continues to operate with minimal disruption throughout construction.

IMAGES: an image of a family speaking with a healthcare worker

Voice-over: Once construction has finished and the new facilities commissioned, your newly redeveloped Warrnambool Base Hospital will officially open its doors.

IMAGE: A screen displays an ‘in partnership with South West Healthcare’ logo. A sliding transition screen then displays the Victorian Health Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos and the web address vhba.vic.gov.au

End of transcript.

  • Step 1
    1. Service planning Health service planning professionals work together to determine the current and future health needs of Warrnambool and surrounding communities – and how those needs can best be met.
    Step 1
    1. Service planning
    Health service planning professionals work together to determine the current and future health needs of Warrnambool and surrounding communities – and how those needs can best be met.
  • Step 1
    2. Masterplanning We work with various consultants to develop a masterplan study. This assesses the condition, functionality and utilisation of existing assets. It also outlines the infrastructure required to meet future demand for clinical services. We then provide a detailed feasibility study including costs for early stages.
    Step 1
    2. Masterplanning
    We work with various consultants to develop a masterplan study. This assesses the condition, functionality and utilisation of existing assets. It also outlines the infrastructure required to meet future demand for clinical services. We then provide a detailed feasibility study including costs for early stages.
  • Step 1
    3. Business Case Business case approved and funding announced in 2020 The business case identifies the issues, potential solutions, costs and timeframes for the hospital redevelopment. The state government had to approve this for the redevelopment to progress to the next phase.
    Step 1
    3. Business Case
    Business case approved and funding announced in 2020 The business case identifies the issues, potential solutions, costs and timeframes for the hospital redevelopment. The state government had to approve this for the redevelopment to progress to the next phase.
  • Step 1
    4. Schematic design Designer appointed in February 2022 Architects, engineers, health planners, hospital staff and user groups all contribute to planning the hospital. They create plans and elevations, and consider things like how patients will move through the hospital.
    Step 1
    4. Schematic design
    Designer appointed in February 2022 Architects, engineers, health planners, hospital staff and user groups all contribute to planning the hospital. They create plans and elevations, and consider things like how patients will move through the hospital.
  • Step 1
    5. Community consultation We invited the community to have their say in 2022 via pop-up sessions, targeted workshops and an online survey. Your feedback and ideas for key family and public spaces were shared with the project design team.
    Step 1
    5. Community consultation
    We invited the community to have their say in 2022 via pop-up sessions, targeted workshops and an online survey. Your feedback and ideas for key family and public spaces were shared with the project design team.
  • Step 1
    6. Design development We work with special user groups made up of health care staff and other experts to refine the schematics to a precise design. This includes every detail in every room, including locations of doors, windows, data and power points, as well as technology and medical equipment required.
    Step 1
    6. Design development
    We work with special user groups made up of health care staff and other experts to refine the schematics to a precise design. This includes every detail in every room, including locations of doors, windows, data and power points, as well as technology and medical equipment required.
  • Step 1
    7. Procurement A competitive tender process occurs to choose a company to build the redevelopment.
    Step 1
    7. Procurement
    A competitive tender process occurs to choose a company to build the redevelopment.
  • Step 1
    Getting ready for your redeveloped hospital You may notice work taking place on the Warrnambool Base Hospital site from 2023 and wonder what is happening. To help prepare for construction of the new hospital tower, we will start functional relocations, demolition and construction works on the hospital site. Constructions of a new offsite Regional Logistics Distribution Centre (RLDC) will also free up space for the redevelopment.
    Step 1
    Getting ready for your redeveloped hospital
    You may notice work taking place on the Warrnambool Base Hospital site from 2023 and wonder what is happening. To help prepare for construction of the new hospital tower, we will start functional relocations, demolition and construction works on the hospital site. Constructions of a new offsite Regional Logistics Distribution Centre (RLDC) will also free up space for the redevelopment.
  • Step 1
    8. Construction The builders start construction of the redevelopment. Early works will include decanting and demolition to free up space for the redevelopment. Then main works will begin, including construction of the new multi-storey hospital tower.
    Step 1
    8. Construction
    The builders start construction of the redevelopment. Early works will include decanting and demolition to free up space for the redevelopment. Then main works will begin, including construction of the new multi-storey hospital tower.
  • Step 1
    9. Commissioning and completion Once the redevelopment is complete, commissioning takes place. This is where everything in the new part of the hospital is clinically cleaned, tested and approved. Once everything has passed, the building surveyor delivers the appropriate certifications. Then and staff will move in, ready to open for patients.
    Step 1
    9. Commissioning and completion
    Once the redevelopment is complete, commissioning takes place. This is where everything in the new part of the hospital is clinically cleaned, tested and approved. Once everything has passed, the building surveyor delivers the appropriate certifications. Then and staff will move in, ready to open for patients.
  • Step 1
    10. Redevelopment opens This is one of the most exciting parts. This is where the hospital redevelopment, including the new multi-level tower, is fully operational and ready to go! Your bigger, better Warrnambool Base Hospital is expected to open in 2027.
    Step 1
    10. Redevelopment opens
    This is one of the most exciting parts. This is where the hospital redevelopment, including the new multi-level tower, is fully operational and ready to go! Your bigger, better Warrnambool Base Hospital is expected to open in 2027.
  • Step 5
    11. Review and evaluation We will review the redeveloped hospital after it has been running for about 12 months. We look at how well it is working and capture insights to help us plan and design future healthcare services for Warrnambool and Victoria.
    Step 5
    11. Review and evaluation
    We will review the redeveloped hospital after it has been running for about 12 months. We look at how well it is working and capture insights to help us plan and design future healthcare services for Warrnambool and Victoria.

 Illustration of three people talking

Community engagement

It takes a lot of planning and many conversations to work out what your redeveloped Warrnambool Base Hospital will look like.

Throughout this process, we will engage with service users, people with lived experience, staff, experts and the local community. We are committed to keeping you informed and involved in the lead up to and throughout construction.

There will also be an opportunity to tour your bigger, better hospital when it is complete.

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