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Hospitals 11 November 2021

Your new Footscray Hospital - Learn about the design

Discover the key services and design features that make this hospital unique.

The new 'People's Hospital' for Melbourne's west will be a community asset featuring a large green open space ('Village Green') and services such as childcare, gym, pharmacy and cafés. The design has been carefully considered to create a welcoming atmosphere for patients, families and staff.

Learn about the design of your new Footscray hospital

IMAGES: Aerial artist impression of hospital with text: Welcome to your new Footscray Hospital.

Text: In this virtual tour, we're going to take you through the design of the new hospital and show you some of the key services and design features that make this hospital unique.

IMAGES: computer animation of hospital map indicating location at junction of Ballarat and Geelong roads, then Basement 1, Staff car park, Loading dock, Geelong Road, Public car park, Lower ground floor, Emergency department, Ambulance bays, Emergency drop off, Public drop off, Transit lounge, Ground Floor, Public drop off, Main entrance, Hospital Street, Village Green, Medical imaging, Ambulatory care, Level 1 & 2, Podium levels.

Text: Ambulatory care, Research & Education, Periop, Drug Health, Level 3, 4 & 5, Mid-levels, Administration, Sub acute, Mental health, Central sterile supply department, Pathology, Rooftop terrace cafe, Level 6-10, In patient unit tower.

Text: In-patient units, Intensive care unit, Critical care unit, Victoria University building.

Text: Food and beverage, Retail, Pharmacy, Pedestrian bridge, Tiernan Street building.

Text: Office and clinical space, Retail, Food and beverage, Childcare, Federal Street building.

Text: Staff car park, Community meeting space, Gym, Cafe, Connectivity, Wind protection, Sun penetration, views.

Text: The new 'People's Hospital' will be a community asset that provides services such as childcare, pharmacy, green spaces and cafes, view of emergency department entrance.

IMAGES: Artist impression of the hospital – the viewpoint flies around the hospital, with the following features pointed out.

Text: Emergency department entrance, rooftop café, main entrance.

IMAGES: View inside hospital reception and lobby, lounge areas.

Text: When designing the hospital, the views and aspirations of the community were considered: "Green spaces, natural light, sustainable materials, good public transport links and a hospital we can be proud of."

IMAGES: View of upper levels of hospital, view of reception and lounge area, Village Green.

Text: The Village Green is the centre of the hospital precinct. The exteriors, green spaces and street entries have been designed to create a welcoming and healing atmosphere for patients, families and staff.

IMAGES Views of hospital from village green, people looking out at views from upper level hospital window, view from inside hospital room, aerial view of Village Green.

Text: Your new Footscray Hospital Opening in 2025.

Final frame of project partners with text ‘In partnership with Western Health (logo) Plenary Health (logos) followed by Victorian Government and VBA logos and url vhba.vic.gov.au.

End of transcript

Sustainable design at the new Footscray hospital

Future electrification

Future electrification

Designed to enable future electrification to support Victoria’s transition to a net zero carbon economy

Targeting 5 Star Green Star rating

Targeting 5 Star Green Star rating

Capacity to collect and reuse 90 per cent of roof rainwater

Quality indoor environment

Quality indoor environment

High proportion of spaces with excellent daylight factor, achieving a WELL Gold rating

Connection to the outdoors

Connection to the outdoors

High proportion of inpatient rooms with views of the exterior and landscaped environments

Active travel strategy

Active travel strategy

Connection to the outdoors

Slide to Navigate

Contact us

Contact the project hotline at (03) 9999 1985 or email nfhenquiry@health.vic.gov.au.


This project is being delivered by the Victorian Health Building Authority in partnership with Western Health, and the Plenary Health consortium.


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Meet the builders

Meet the builders of your new Footscray Hospital and learn about the construction process.

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Community corner

Learn about the community consultative committee, check out the activities for kids and contribute to the time capsule.

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