TEXT: Introducing your bigger and better Ballarat Base Hospital.
IMAGES: Artist impression of section of carpark and entry to new hospital development.
TEXT: New multi-level hospital tower and new main entrance.
IMAGES: Artist impression of walkway and main entrance to new development.
TEXT: More green spaces.
IMAGES: Artist impression of landscaped walkway.
TEXT: Better wayfinding to make it easier to navigate the hospital.
IMAGES: Artist impression of ground floor reception area and lounges.
TEXT: A welcoming, supportive and inclusive environment.
IMAGES: Artist impression of doctor and patient in an upstairs lounge area.
TEXT: New, modern, light-filled wards.
IMAGES: Artist impression of doctors consulting in an inpatient ward with balcony and views to outside.
TEXT: Calming interiors inspired by Ballarat’s rich history.
IMAGES: Artist impression of a couple viewing historical artwork on walls.
TEXT: A world-class hospital for our growing community.
IMAGES: Artist impression of driveway entry to new hospital development.
IMAGES: A slide with text ‘In partnership with Grampian health (logo).
Images: The closing slide is the Victorian Health Building Authority logo, the web address vhba.vic.gov.au and the Victorian State Government logo.
End of transcript.