What's new
Stage two complete
Construction is now complete on the central energy and support services building, marking the end of stage two of the redevelopment.
Final stage of project underway
Main works on the $655 million Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment are getting underway.
The site will start to transform over the next year as we prepare for construction of the new hospital tower and new emergency department!




What we're delivering
The redevelopment of Ballarat Base Hospital will deliver:
- a multilevel hospital tower
- a new emergency department including:
- a mental health, alcohol and other drugs hub
- a new and expanded women and children’s hub
- a new state-of-the-art theatre suite
- an extra 100 inpatient and short stay beds
- a new and expanded critical care floor
- a new helipad
- an expanded car park providing 400 extra car spaces
- a new central energy plant and support services building, including:
- new pharmacy and pathology facilities
- a new Education and Learning Centre.
The new and expanded critical care floor will include:
- operating theatres
- procedure rooms
- an expanded intensive care unit
- endoscopy suites
- consulting rooms.
The new and expanded women's and children's hub will include:
- 23 maternity beds
- five birthing suites
- 12 special care nursery cots.
The redevelopment will also deliver a new main entrance and emergency department entrance off Sturt Street.
The new entrance will improve access for patients, families and emergency vehicles, as well as deliver urgently needed short-term carparking and safe drop-off zones.
Project background
To prepare for the future, in May 2018 the Victorian Government announced it would invest $461.6 million to redevelop the Ballarat Base Hospital.
A further $80 million was announced in the 2020-21 Victorian State Budget to build a new central energy plant.
In 2023, $54 million was announced to deliver a helipad and an expansion to the multi-deck carpark.
An extra $54.6 million was announced in the 2024-25 State Budget to deliver an expanded women's and children's hub and address cost pressures due to construction market escalation. An extra $5.4 million has been provided to deliver a mental health, alcohol and other drugs hubs in the new emergency department.
This brings the total investment to $655 million.
The Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment aims to achieve the following benefits:
More patients treated
The redevelopment will provide additional capacity to treat at least 18,000 more emergency patients and an extra 14,500 inpatients each year. With new models of care and new design guidelines, the redevelopment will be flexible and able to respond to increasing demand expected over the coming years.
More surgeries
A new and expanded critical care floor will bring together operating theatres, procedure rooms, an expanded intensive care unit, endoscopy suites and consulting rooms. This will deliver capacity for an extra 4,000 surgeries every year.
Urgent mental health care where and when it's needed
A new mental health, alcohol and other drugs hub will allow more emergency patients experiencing mental health, alcohol and other drugs issues to be assessed, treated and monitored by specialists before being discharged. The hub aims to reduce the impact on the acute treatment cubicles within the emergency department and to allow patients to be seen and treated faster.
Acute mental health services
Grampians Health and the Department of Health are reviewing the outcomes from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System to identify how mental health services should be delivered into the future.
The recommendations and best practice have been considered in the design of the broader redevelopment, in particular in the new emergency department and women and children’s hub.
A boost in local jobs
The redevelopment will also boost employment in the region, with more than 1,400 construction jobs expected to be created. Once fully operational, up to 1,000 extra positions will be created at the hospital.
Construction stages
The Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment is being delivered in stages to minimise disruption to the existing hospital.
Stage one: Early works (complete)
Stage one involved relocating some hospital functions to allow for critical demolition works and the continuity of services throughout construction.
As part of works to prepare the site for the next stage of the redevelopment, Ballarat Base Hospital’s Eildon House and the Edward Wilson Building on Drummond St were demolished in 2022.
This paved the way for construction of a new central energy plant and support services building.
Stage two: Central energy plant and carpark (complete)
Stage 2 involved the delivery of the central energy plant and support services building (CEPSS). This building houses new pharmacy facilities and an education and learning centre. Construction on the CEPSS building was completed in October 2024.
Stage 2 also delivered an expansion of the hospital’s multi-deck carpark. Construction was completed August 2024. Once fully operational, the total number of hospital carparks will be around 800.
The extra carparks have been delivered as part of Regional Development Victoria’s commitment to provide an extra 1000 carparks in Ballarat through the Regional Car Parks Fund.
Stage three: Main works (underway)
The final stage of the redevelopment got underway in July 2024. Main works includes construction of the new multi-level hospital tower and new main entrance on Sturt Street. Construction is expected to be complete in late 2027.
Community engagement
Community consultative committee
A community consultative committee (CCC) was established for the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.
The CCC met five times in 2021. The committee was led by former Premier and Ballarat local Steve Bracks, alongside Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison and Member for Buninyong Michaela Settle.
The committee provided advice on a range of areas and issues including the patient and family experience, the vision for indoor and outdoor family spaces and wayfinding.
Community consultation report
The local community told us through public consultation and the CCC that short term carparking and improved accessibility and wayfinding are important to them. We have listened and reflected these priorities in the designs for the hospital redevelopment. Learn more in the community consultation report.
Temporary impacts
The Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment is a major construction project. It is expected there will be some temporary impacts that will affect the local community.
Temporary impacts may include:
- increased vehicle and people movement in the area
- changes to access
- localised noise and vibration
- dust.
These impacts will be closely monitored and minimised where possible.
We are committed to keeping the community updated. Works will be communicated through the Grampians Health website, this project page, local media and directly to residents where appropriate.
Relocated hospital services
A number of hospital functions will be relocated to new spaces as part of the redevelopment. Access paths may also change to ensure the safety of staff and patients. These changes will be clearly communicated through the Grampians Health website and directly to staff and patients where appropriate.
A new helipad will be constructed on the new multi-level tower with direct access to the emergency theatre and operating theatres.
While the new hospital tower and helipad are being constructed, Ambulance Victoria will temporarily land helicopters at nearby facilities such Ballarat Airport or the City Oval. Alternative flight paths are currently used during poor weather when access to the Ballarat Base Hospital is restricted.
This project is being delivered by the Victorian Health Building Authority in partnership with:
- Grampians Health
- DesignInc (architects – stage 1)
- H. Troon (builder – stage 1)
- Lyons (architects – stage 2 and 3)
- John Holland (builder – stage 2)
- Built (builder – stage 3).
Continued care at Ballarat Base Hospital
There will be no interruption to healthcare services at Ballarat Base Hospital during construction.
Ballarat Base Hospital will maintain full operational capacity throughout the redevelopment to ensure the continuity of care for the community.
More information
To get the latest Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up to the mailing list.
If you have any questions, please email the redevelopment team at bbhrproject@health.vic.gov.au.

29 October 2024
Stage two of the Ballarat Base Hospital complete
Construction of the central energy plant and support services building is complete, marking the end of stage two of the redevelopment.
05 September 2024
Ballarat Base Hospital new multi-deck carpark is now open
An extra 400 carparks are now open at the Ballarat Base Hospital, with the completion of the new multi-deck carpark.
11 July 2024
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment: community information sessions August...
Community members were invited to come along to our local drop-in information sessions to learn more about the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.- 01 August 2024 - 03 August 2024

08 July 2024
Ballarat Base Hospital enters final stage of construction
The final stage of the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment has begun and includes construction of a new multi-level hospital tower and new main entrance.
08 March 2024
Behind the build: Meet the women driving the Ballarat Base Hospital redevel...
This Women in Construction Week 2024, we spotlight the women driving the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.
28 February 2024
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment a step closer
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment is a step closer with the central energy plant and support services building reaching its maximum height.
15 September 2023
Builder appointed to deliver a new multi-deck car park at the Ballarat Base...
John Holland will deliver the new expanded multi-deck car park at the Ballarat Base Hospital.
27 June 2023
‘Maureen’ the crane arrives in Ballarat
The first tower crane at the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment site has been named after a longstanding hospital volunteer.
02 June 2023
Better access to treatment in the Grampians
Public hospital upgrades mean earlier diagnosis and treatment, and shorter wait times.
22 May 2023
Industry leaders shortlisted to build final stage of Ballarat Base Hospital...
Four leading construction companies have been shortlisted to deliver the final stage of the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.
13 April 2023
Expressions of interest closed for Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment – S...
Expressions of interest have now closed for a main works contractor to design and construct stage 3 of the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.
29 March 2023
Parking boost for Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment
Works to expand the hospital’s car park will start this year, bringing the number of hospital car parks to around 800 when the redevelopment is complete.
29 March 2023
New diagnostic department at Ballarat Base Hospital
The newly relocated department is four times the size of the previous facility.
19 December 2022
Builder appointed for next stage of Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment
We’ve appointed a builder to deliver the new central energy plant and support services building on Drummond Street.
06 September 2022
Designs for a bigger and better Ballarat Base Hospital revealed
View the designs for the new multi-level tower including the façade and interior spaces.
12 August 2022
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment: Community information session
The Ballarat community was invited to attend a drop-in information session to view and learn more about the final designs for Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.- 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm

16 June 2022
Industry breakfast: Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment
On Thursday, 30 June 2022, local trades were invited to attend an industry briefing breakfast to learn how to get involved in the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.- 7.00 am - 9.00 am

01 June 2022
New designs released for Ballarat Base Hospital’s central energy plant and ...
Take a first look at the new building being delivered on Drummond St that will include a pharmacy, pathology services and Education and Learning Centre.
13 April 2022
New entrance to transform Ballarat Base Hospital
Take a look at new artist impressions and how community engagement is shaping the design of the redevelopment.
13 April 2022
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment: Community consultation report
This report provides a community consultation overview and summarises how community ideas and priorities are being incorporated into the design planning for the redevelopment.
17 March 2022
Designing for cultural safety
Using good design principles, we can create culturally safe health environments with, and for, Aboriginal people.
10 December 2021
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment family spaces survey results
Hear what our respondents had to say about shaping key family spaces in the redeveloped Ballarat Base Hospital.
30 August 2021
Local builder appointed to Ballarat Base Hospital expansion
Ballarat-based construction company, H. Troon, has been appointed to help deliver the first stage of works for the Ballarat Base Hospital expansion.
10 June 2021
Architect appointed to design Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment
Lyons has been appointed as the principal architect for stages two and three of the $541.6 million Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment.
09 March 2021
Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment: Community survey report
On 3 December 2020, the Victorian Health Building Authority (VHBA) launched an Engage Victoria survey titled ‘Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment’.
09 March 2021
Meet the Ballarat Base Hospital redevelopment’s community consultative comm...
A community consultative committee has been appointed to help shape the $541.6 million redevelopment of the Ballarat Base Hospital.
04 December 2020
Investment boost for a bigger, better Ballarat Base Hospital
The Victorian Government has announced an additional $80 million in this year’s state budget for the redevelopment of the Ballarat Base Hospital.Gallery

- 1 Drummond Street N, Ballarat Central, Victoria, 3350, Australia
- Operated by: Grampians Health
- (03) 5320 4000
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